Day 331 of 365
Marketing without a cart.

I felt like today’s experience had great potential.
On the 331st day I attended my very first Digital Marketing seminar.
I had this idea that I would get to network in a classroom. I loaded up my backpack with copies of my books, a healthy stack of business cards and promotional materials.
The reality of this experience is a little bit, well almost completely the opposite.
When I arrived at the site of adventure number 331 I was disappointed that it was at the beach. I'm not kidding. There was sand and canopies and food trucks.

It felt like I set myself up for failure. As I read through the ad for today's event I realized that it was part of a series of seminars and that mine was being hosted by a pop-up beer garden. This was 100% my first adventure with a pop-up anything let alone a beer garden. There were no plants in the sand and because this was meant to be a 365 adventure I didn't have any beer.
The problem with an event at the beach is the noise produced by the people who are drinking beer and don't give a crap about digital marketing.
I tried to listen closely but I felt like a frontiersmen with the funnel hanging out of their ear as a hearing aid. If I'm lucky I heard every 4th word.
I listened to all four panelists and although some were more articulate than others they did offer great resources and suggestions. I walked away feeling like this wasn't a waste of time.
Day 331
Love & Light