Day 276 of 365

It all happened by accident
I had no idea when I popped the package this morning that doodle tops were going to be my experience. It was all pretty innocent and I was reserving them until one of those late nights when I had nothing done.
What happened at 6:30 am turned in to an hour of bleeding these tiny spinning markers dry.
Doodle Tops.
Doodle Tops.
Doodle Tops.
I can not believe my mother never shared the joy of these toys. She loved tops. She had a box of them with a tray designated just for launching and keeping the dizzying spinners on the table. It was magic and so much a part of her that we had them at her funeral.

This package was among her things and in fine Nana fashion it was unopened waiting for some child to play. In walks her youngest child. The date on the package says 1996. The odds are great that these suckers are bone dry after 22 years.
I am not embarrassed to admit that I tried these on a little piece of scrap paper because I didn't think they would work. I can't believe I was this casual after 276 days. I was so unbelievably mesmerized that I got a 24"x24" piece of paper and laid it on the floor to spin more designs. I recorded about 20, 60 second videos of a doodle top spinning.

Don't judge.
I've already ordered a 6 top kit because this is my new therapy. I've got about 100 yards of 24" paper. I'm set for a while. If I don't answer my phone or reply to your emails I might be on the floor with my Doodle Top or I might be chasing the cat that has stolen the spinning thing on the floor. Barbarian!
If you have a kid in your life, now's your chance to justify buying these. No one will ever know. *winks*
Day 276 is spinning out of control.
Love & Light
Yes, I'm back on the floor because the markers are rested and the ink is ready to flow.

I'm lucky it was a two pack!