Day 261 of 365

Breaking wind
This has nothing to do with the fiber adventures of day 260.
On my 261st day I used the “incredible” air lounger.
Yes this is a thing and even though I was 100% certain it would be an epic fail it wasn’t.
Out of the package the design is cool. It collapses into a drawstring backpack so you really can take it anywhere.
Here’s the challenge, inflation.
If you watch the commercial all you have to do is hold it in the air and it fills up like magic.
No magic happened.
I jumped

I ran.
I flapped like a bird.
My lounger would not fill.
I handed this floppy mess to my kid and he bolted across the field and filled that chair to maximum capacity. A few twists, turns and clipping the latch and the incredible lounger was born.
It’s comfortable. Keep sharp objects away.
Day 261
Love & Light