Day 251 of 365

If this was a perfect world so many things would have been different on day 251.
Every year the small town of Burlington holds an event called Chocolatefest. I have lived in this area most of my life and I've NEVER been to this insane celebration of chocolate.
Today I joined the annual festival parade which also lands on Memorial Day.
Here's where the headache begins. Heat and sunshine are a perfect combination for dehydration and a trigger for migraines. Don't you worry, I walked that parade and I handed out the most delicious chewy candy, pencils, bracelets and promo materials for Just Live, Inc.
The rest of the morning was meant to include more chocolate and a walk through the festival grounds. Instead I got a fun migraine and a little bit of heat exhaustion.
I've never taken a cold shower in my life but after an attempt to cool off with ice I had to turn it all around and hop in that steady stream of cold. I'm not sure it was the perfect thing to do but it helped.
Day 251 was hot, cold and hurt like hell.
Love & Light
Just a little info grabbed from the web.