Day 176 of 365
Knock Knock Ding Dong
To set the stage for today's experience I have to share a magical childhood freedom moment. I didn't learn to drive until my second year of college. My roommate actually taught me in her Volkswagon Bug using the hilly roads in Petrifying springs park. The lack of an automobile in high school didn't really matter because I rode my 10 speed everywhere. I bought a how-to book and tricked that red rocket out!
What's the point? I didn't need a car to establish that feeling of freedom. One of my best memories of childhood was hopping on that bike and riding to the little country store to get my favorite treat.
On day 176 a childhood dream came true. The spirit of all things terrible to eat created the Ding Dong ice cream sandwich.

Stop laughing. This is a real dream come true. If you've ever had a Ding Dong cake you know that eating it frozen is ideal. That crunchy chocolate coating over the crumbly cake covered cream filling, I can actually taste it from sense memory and it's worth every real life calorie.
How did I find them? Fate? Destiny? I'd like to think so. Truth be told I was doing a good deed and it paid off with a 5 pack of ice cream sandwiches.
I brought these suckers home and poured the box into the freezer, they are ice cream but that's what you do in my house with regular Ding Dong cakes. Remember crunchy chocolate it ideal!
The disappointing moment was watching the treats fall out of the box. Those little treasures weren't wrapped in the aluminum foil of my youth. Come on, you know you opened that foil and worked for minutes trying to smooth it out into the original square shape. I do that with my Dove chocolates. Thank goodness someone still appreciates a foil wrap.
I felt joy when I finally opened the plastic pouch. All I'm going to say is if you share this dream with me you should find a box and try to eat just one. They are perfect and the ice cream is flavored to taste like that cream filling and the volume is what I've always wanted in my cake treat.
I'm hungry now and this is the most time I've spent writing about Ding Dongs. . . EVER!
On Day 176 I discovered dreams can come true.
Love & Light