Day 96 of 365

My experience today was meant to be about feminism. I’ve got this book that I’ve been trying to read for over a year. I’ve carried it with me from Scotland to Colorado and back to Wisconsin. The original purchase receipt is still tucked in the middle of the book where I placed it after I paid for it.
It’s not that I don’t understand feminism it’s just that I want to hear perspectives from other people.
Then I got sidetracked. I witnessed something very special and also something that reminded me about how I was raised.
I grew up in a house with both of my parents. They adore each other but also live very independent lives. I never realized what a gift that was. I was a pretty wild child and didn’t adhere to gender roles at all.
At the time no one cared. I had success and I had failures but I explored all of the possibilities of being.
For the last week I have been holding vigil over my mom. It’s extremely difficult to leave her every day. She and my father loved me so much they planted seeds of curiosity and watched me bloom. It wasn’t perfect but I’ve never felt limited by my gender and no one ever held me back because I was a woman.
What I realized is that I could study all I want but my reality is I don’t need to draw lines and check boxes about my ability to be a feminist. I have to live without boundaries and reject the limits society prescribes.
If only the world had been raised by my mom & dad.
Day 96 took a turn
Love & Light