Day 86 of 365

When I was putting together the list of experiences I might attempt to do during this year, today's was suggested by quite a few people.
You should name a star.
I wasn't sure that it would be legitimate but the more I thought about this experience the more I realized that the stars have always been a huge part of my dreams so I should make sure they are a part of the 365 days of new experiences.
When I was a child I wanted to be an astronaut more than anything in the world. As I grew up I came to realize that motion sickness might prevent me from accomplishing this dream but that didn't change the passion that I had to understand the stars.
My senior year of high school I took my first astronomy class and connected with the constellation Orion. For day 86 Shazz Angelici became the name of a star in Orion's belt.
You can find it here:
Right ascension: 5 â—¦ 34024.3500
Declination: −0.9325◦
Magnitude: 11.79mag
UCAC3-Identifier: 77482283
I'm pretty excited that my star is part of this constellation. Right now Orion is visible in the southern horizon at about 9 pm in the midwestern sky. It's easy to find because the three stars of his belt are some of the brightest.
Tonight, on my 86th evening, just look up and "Shazz Angelici" will be a part of your starry night.
Love & Light