Day 64 of 365
Mini painting

I've waited quite a few years to paint miniature wargame figures. My kids have gamed for a while now and it's fair to say that I've avoided this on purpose.
Why? I just don't enjoy miniature war gaming.
What I do enjoy is spending time with my kids and if this adventure brings us together I'm doing it. This hobby isn't a cheap one so I'm borrowing many elements from their paint set to get this job done. I selected purple from the palette as the base color of my mini killing machines. Don't worry this is all make believe. The process is tedious and my eyes aren't great with the tiny close-up painting. The figures are less than 3 inches tall.
I used about a dozen colors and the skinniest paintbrushes ever.
I'm so glad that my army only had 5 guys in it because this is not my thing at all.
Day 64 got me one step closer to gaming.
Love & Light