Day 37 of 365

I know you're probably trying to figure out what the hell that is. Today I got a chance to sand and help build a 64" hickory longbow. My son is learning to be a bowyer and as much as we value people with four year degrees he is a tradesman and a very talented one.
On day 37 he and the shop owner decided I should help build a bow. You already know I like creating things but this involved power tools that I wasn't prepared to use.
I'm impressed by the creations hanging in the shop. There are some beautiful bows and if you visit the Bristol Reneissance fair next summer stop in at Stickbow Archery and see them.
I didn't plan to make anything. I was there to watch but I guess the shop owner must be following my adventures because he was ready to teach. For the first time since I started this adventure someone else had an idea for me and made it happen.

Hickory longbows were the project of choice and I had great fun shaping and sanding it. In the process I decided that I'd rather be a blacksmith. I enjoy moving metal more than I like working with wood.
All the edges of the stave (unshaped bow) need to be sanded and shaped. I did this and there might be video of me squealing as I ran my bow against the sander. The second part of my job was tillering the face of the bow. This is a delicate operation because it will ultimately determine the draw weight. My finished bow had a 37 pound draw.
I learned so much about bows today. Thanks go out to the amazing guys of Stickbow Archery.
Day 37 was right on target.
Love & Light
Placed rock 37 of my #365rockdays