Day 271 of 365
The better to see you with

Plastic has saved me from some big messes. I’ve dropped so many bottles of miscellaneous food and beverage items that plastic has prevented the need for hours of mopping and the “cleanup in isle 7” at the grocery store.
But it isn’t always wonderful. I’ve got a 1968 Volkswagon with glass headlights that look like I put them In yesterday and I have a ten year old Chevy with plastic headlamps so discolored it's like driving behind frosted glass.
Well it was.
On the 271st day of experiences I got a better view of the night road with Rain-X Headlight restorer.
The directions suggest I wash the lenses with a damp cloth and a circular application of the white paste. I was 100% skeptical of this product. I've watched the infomercials for a similar product at four times the cost. Headlights are crazy expensive to replace if it isn't necessary so for about $5 it was well worth a try.
This stuff is impressive and I was surprised when hours later I could see inside to the lamp bulbs and reflectors. For those of you who keep a car longer than 5 years this stuff is a great investment. I'll let you know what happens after a few days.
Day 271
Love & Light