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Day 62 of 365

Concrete floors

Today I made more progress on the exciting adventure that is my bathroom shower. The experience of the day involved water, concrete mix and a trowel.

As much as I wanted to jump in there and make a mess I was mostly an observer with a fair amount of instruction. At the same time I was making a concrete pie I was also watching the finishing touches hit my tub, toilet and sink basin. The room is actually starting to look and function like a bathroom again.

Every part of this adventure brings new opportunities for me to learn and get messy. I've also had to do a few things that I dislike and that's mostly painting. What's been the most exciting part?

The tools! I love to learn about new tools and this project has had many. Today as we mixed up the concrete I used a massive Milwaukee drill. I talked with my teacher/ tile person and we discussed this treasure of a tool and how nothing is made to last like this anymore. We mixed about eight buckets full of concrete and that drill made me very happy.

Building up the floor of a shower wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. Most of the real work went in to marking the high edge and working the mix toward the drain. The real skill is in sloping the floor just enough to make the water run toward the center without having a dramatic grade to the floor. We totally nailed it!

Day 62 was amazing!

Love & Light

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