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Day 4 of 365

It's only the 4th day and it feels like it went on forever.

I had different plans for the 4th day. You'll find out tomorrow what they were.

Instead, I spent my morning doing something I rarely ever do.


Today I spent hours shopping for a dress. For those of you who know me well you understand how horrible the thought of this task is for me and worse I did it without a "wingman." I solo shopped for a dress today and I actually found one. That was only the beginning. After wasting hours on a piece of clothing I'm probably never wearing again. (Wait till you see it, it's cute... and I can't even believe I said that.) I realized that my 4 year old Teva sandals weren't going to match this fabulous dress.

Yep! Shoe shopping.

If you're Jimmy Rogan you'll know I like my shoes but I'm a sporty gal and they usually say Teva, Merrell or Asics on the box. Not today! Today I perused the most feminine of feminine isles ever experienced and lived to tell the tale.

I'm going to pause for a minute because I know you're thinking about my wedding. Yes that was a frilly, lacey and pretty puffed sleeve experience. I will remind some of you that it took a village to make that happen. I remember lunches and many many cappuccinos. No shoe shopping happened for me, I wore wrestling shoes and kneepads. Never forget the kneepads at a catholic wedding mass. I have pictures but the internet doesn't get those.

Back to my fabulous adventure. After another hour testing out the wobble factor of every pair of black shoes the chick-power isle had, I found something too tight but not so terrible that I couldn't navigate about a mile and a half of walking. Yes, I calculated carefully the distance I might need to travel based on parking lot size, arrival time and two trips to the ladies room. I mathed my way to victory with only minor pinky toe pain. Being a chick for a formal event just isn't my thing.

I'm sure you're all wondering what the event was.

My fabulous life mate and partner in mischief volunteered for us to attend a fundraising dinner. Yes, I know I'm not a newbie to those but this event had a special guest who I've never met before.

I'm not a sport fanatic but It was cool to meet Evander Holyfield and hear him tell his story. The event was a benefit to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Boys & Girls club of Kenosha. I know the picture isn't that great but there was a very big bald head bobbing back and forth in front of us all night. Mr. Holyfield spoke about his childhood and how the Boys club organization was essential to his success. His story isn't unique but it is still important to share. His most poignant thought, when you achieve and grow it is vital to return and give back to the people and places that got you there. It sounds simple but essentially it is that voice that guides us to do good and to give back. Mr. Holyfield spoke about hard work and he even quit boxing as a child because he didn't like to lose. No one really does but sportsmanship and the support of adults around you teaches us that there are more defeats than victories in life.

I was definitely surprised by this evening. I learned a bit about myself and a lot about giving back to those who helped you on your journey.

Thank you day 4. It was a wonderful

Love & Light

I planted the day 4 rock of my #365rockdays

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